
Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Find out about some of the best inventions of the year 2010 according to The Time.

Then, go in pairs and ask your partner the questions on the handed papers. Once you're finished move around the class to do the technology survey. You are requested to hand in your writen final report with the answers of your classmates next Monday, 16th/04.

If we have time left, we will discuss whether you agree or disagree with the statements on the handed paper.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


As an extension of modals studied in lesson number 3 of your workbooks, we are going to take a look at modals followed by perfect infinitives.

Modals followed by perfect infinitive from Jenny Hidalgo

Now you can do these on line exercises to practice:

Perfect modals 1 
Perfect modals 2