
Monday, December 26, 2011


As I already explained in class you're requested to do the tasks on the posts as homework.So everything is clear let me detail the requested assignements (from the oldest post to the newest one):

Benetton Campaign: Read the article and post your comments on the matter.
Thanksgiving Celebration: Watch the video and answer the quiz.
Ready to shop?: Read about Black Friday and Boxing day. Take a look at Colour Idioms and write ten sentences with the ones you liked the best or called most your attention.
Good at Jigsaws?Give it a try: Do the jigsaw and try to answer the question on the post.
You said Baggage or Luggage?: Watch the video and do the quiz on British vs. American words.
Memories from Childhood: Write an essay as explained in the post's instructions about you childhood memories.
Christmas Photobook: Take pictures for our photobook. Bring to class on Friday 13th/01.
New Year's Resolutions: Write your goals for the new year to come 2012 on our wallwisher.

 Due date for all assignements except the pictures is 9th/01.


New year's is almost here and as usual, the new year comes filled up with new goals to fulfill or things to improve in our lives.

Click on Wallwisher  write your name and tell us which are you New year's resolutions for this 2012.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Christmas is one of the seasons when picture taking is most common. The ornaments and lights in the streets, family gathering, children's joy..give us the perfect settings for the nicest pictures.

That is, in fact, what you're requested to do in this assignement, taking pictures. Walk around the city and take pictures of anything that has a christmas flavour. Try not to use mobiles phones to take the pictures, if possible. With a camera they'll look much better.

When we come back to school after Xmas, we'll take a look at your pictures (on Friday 13th/01) and choose the ones you like the best for our album. You'll form groups of three and  each group will be given a photo for which you'll have to write a footnote which describes the scene on it.

So you know more or less what the final result will be like,  you can take a look  at the  an example of Xmas album in Bookr.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Today some of your classmates will be talking about Christmas traditions in England, U.S.A, and Ireland. Here I attach a link to some nice slideshare presentations on the topic.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Are you a fan of jigsaws?. Let's how you do with this easy one. Click on Jigsawplanet and try to set the pieces to get the picture. Then, Can you tell me exactly the name of the place or the city where this piece of art is located?. Post answers or any comments if you've ever been there.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


When we talk about  the "English" language, we inmediatly think of our neighbour country, England. But the "English" language is spoken in  many other countries and obviouly, it's not the same in all of them. Changes in pronunciation, vocabulary and even speelling occur as naturally as they do in the growth of any human developing in socially different situations.

To illustrate that differences can reach a point that a British speaker may not understand an American one, take a look at this fun video with Hugh Laurie visiting the American host Ellen Degeneres.
Take a look to the paper on American vs. British terms.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


"Black Friday" is the day following Thanksgiving day in USA, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. On this day, most major retailers open extremely early, often at 4 a.m., or earlier, and offer promotional sales to kick off the shopping season.

"Black Friday" is not actually a holiday, but most non-retail employers give their employees the day off, increasing the number of potential shoppers. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year though it is not typically the day with the highest sales volume which is usually either Christmas Eve or the last Saturday before Christmas.

If you are curious about Why it's called Black Friday click on Origin of this day's name.

And if you're even more curious...learn about its twin brother clicking on "Boxing Day".

Once you ended up with all your curiosity......take a look these "colour idioms", in the links bellow, which are  interesting to know in order to introduce naturality in your speech. Then write ten sentences, on a paper to hand in, using the idioms you liked best or most called your attention.